“All Aboard: HFSC Cruise Line”
Helena Figure Skating Club’s Annual Spring Ice Show 2025
Sunday, April, 27th 2:30pm
Tickets available on-line or at the door. Doors open at 1:45pm
*Show participants don’t forget you pre-paid for two tickets!
ONLINE TICKET SALES WILL CLOSE AT 8pm Saturday, April, 26th! Anyone needing tickets after that time can purchase tickets at the door!
Club Member Ice Show Registration
Club Member Ice Show Registration
Registration for CLUB MEMBERS - Club Members Requesting* participation in the Spring Ice Show 2025.
"All Aboard: HFSC Cruise Line" Sunday, April, 27th 2:30pm
Due: March 17th
All show registration has been condensed into one registration form. Please review the updated form and work with your skater’s coach and/or show director to complete your registration accurately and submit it by the deadline of March, 17th 2025.
Skaters and volunteers will have earlier arrival times. Skater and volunteer arrival time specifics will be posted closer to show day to accommodate ice show set up and skater warm- ups. Skater arrival time are approx. 1.5 hours before show time.
Dress Rehearsal will be held on SATURDAY, April, 26th starting on ice at 5:00pm with at 4:30pm arrival time.
Members are REQUIRED to work with 3 sponsors that they WILL contact to support the club by buying ad space in the 2025 SPRING Show program. DEADLINE for ads April, 17th 2025.
Please use the sponsor packet [Link on Sponsor Partner Page] to secure 3 sponsors who will purchase ad space in the SPRING SHOW program. The sponsor funds help to offset skater ice fees, so fees to members can stay affordable. In fall 2024, our monthly ice rental bill increased to $7400. With enough sponsor dollars we will be able to keep the increase from hitting our members pockets. We missed our fundraising goal for Winter 2024.
Skaters/Coaches- Programs/Music: Club skaters are encouraged to participate in the Spring Ice Show! It is a fun and amazing time to show of skating skills. Skaters can set a goal, establish good practice habits and get the feel for a low-pressure, on-ice, performance. This is a steppingstone for skaters looking to compete. Practicing being on the ice alone, supports an essential skill in our sport.
Skaters have the option of choosing a solo performance. If a skater chooses a solo performance, it is up them and their coach if they want to skate to a song that is in or out of theme. IF a skater is NOT choosing an on-theme performance, they MUST use that program again for competition. The flexibility for choosing a song out of theme is for the purpose of benefiting skaters who are traveling to represent HFSC at competition. If a skater is NOT going to compete, they are required to choose and on-theme song. Please see main show page for this year’s theme. Songs are claimed via first come first serve. Skaters/coaching can email a hold request to the show director for songs at any time, but registration requirements must be met if any duplicate songs are chosen.
Songs must comply with USFS Music Policy. USE OF MUSIC AT U.S. FIGURE SKATING SANCTIONED AND APPROVED EVENTS Music is an important element in a figure skating performance. When using music for a performance, it is important to confirm the appropriate rights and licenses are in place. Regulations and laws regarding copyright and music licensing are strictly enforced, and failure to adhere to applicable regulations and laws may expose you to civil penalties and damages. U.S. Figure Skating recognizes the complex nature of obtaining rights to utilize music for performances and has taken steps to better equip members with the information they need to avoid violating copyright laws. To assist its members in compliance with applicable copyright laws, U.S. Figure Skating has partnered with the two largest performance rights organizations, ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) and BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) to secure a blanket Performance License for all music utilized by athletes at sanctioned and approved events so long as the song choice is 100% covered through ASCAP and/or BMI. Below is additional information being provided for your use. PERFORMANCE LICENSED MUSIC A performance license is an agreement between a music user and the owner(s) of a copyrighted composition (song) that grants permission to play the song in public (regardless of how small a portion of the song is used). SONGS COVERED BY U.S. FIGURE SKATING’S PERFORMANCE LICENSES To comply with applicable copyright laws, it is strongly recommended that all music being used for competitions, shows, training, and other background or intermission music being utilized during a U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned or approved event, program, or activity is 100% cleared by BMI, ASCAP, or a combination of the two. Further, it is strongly recommended that the coach, choreographer, athlete, and/or parent/guardian only use music for competition that is 100% cleared as described above. This is for the protection of both the member organization, and of the athlete and their team. SONGVIEW Songview is an online music rights database that you can use to ensure that a song you’d like to use is fully licensed. For a song to be fully licensed through U.S. Figure Skating’s blanket licenses, the song must be 100% covered between ASCAP, BMI, or a combination of the two. If you do not find your song in the Songview database, the rights to that song have either not been secured, or have explicitly been withheld. In either case, it is strongly recommended that you select a different song that can be found in Songview. CLICKNCLEAR If you have searched Songview are unable to verify that a song is fully covered by U.S. Figure Skating’s blanket license, and prefer not to select a different song, you may be able to utilize a paid option known as ClicknClear to attempt to obtain the appropriate license. ClicknClear may allow our members to pay for a music license if a song is not covered under the USFS’s blanket licenses with ASCAP and BMI. Please visit their website at www.clicknclear.com for more information on their music licensing platform. BOD Approved: 5/25/2024 RESPONSIBILITY PURSUANT TO FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW It is the sole responsibility of the U.S. Figure Skating coach, choreographer, athlete and/or parent/guardian to ensure that music being used in U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned and approved events, programs, and activities is cleared 100% by BMI and/or ASCAP, or that the proper licensing has been obtained (via ClicknClear or otherwise). Ensuring that all other music being utilized during the sanctioned or approved event, program, or activity is properly licensed the sole responsibility of the Organizer. PROHIBITION OF STREAMING AND RECORDING Live and on-demand streaming, and sales and distribution of U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned and approved events, programs, and activities that include the playback of music is strictly prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to the distribution of footage that does not include music. Use of music in this manner is not covered by U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance License with ASCAP and BMI, and is strictly prohibited. Questions or concerns regarding music at U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned and approved events, programs and activities may be directed to music@usfigureskating.org.
Skaters also have the option of choosing a duet and/or small group performance. Coaches will assess if an additional performance with another/other skaters is possible. We trust that coaches will assess the practice times and skater commitment and only sign off on duets that will be show ready. If a skater chooses a group/duet performance, they must skate to an ON THEME song. (please reach out to show director if skaters are taking a competitive route). Please see main show page for this year’s theme. Songs are claimed via first come first serve. Skaters/coaching can email a hold request to the show director for songs at any time, but registration requirements must be met if any duplicate songs are chosen.
*Requesting: HFSC is growing every year. We work to include as many skaters as possible in a limited ice rental space. If we get to capacity with show number requests, we will use the following criteria to edit the numbers down to size: registration deadline met, registration submitted accurately, skater participating in weekly practice sessions, skater in multiple performances, skater working with coach, skater skating level, skater current on club dues and ice payments, skater compliant with volunteer policy, etc..
We are able to accommodate roughly 35 performances into the ice show time frame. If we receive more requests than what will fit into the time frame the HFSC board will use the above criteria to get the program down to size. Our goal is to offer this opportunity to all our members. We do not foresee any of these measures needing to be taken, but with so many performances last year (many skaters performed twice) we must establish a policy.
Registration Fee Includes: Two pre purchase tickets for ice show day to be used for close family members who are most likely arriving early and setting up for the event
Members are REQUIRED to work with three businesses/sponsorships to support the Helena Figure Skating Club's weekly ice rental increase.
** Must be a club member to participate in the ice show outside of Learn to Skate.